- 12 min read
0xL4ughCTF 2023 DF Writeups
0xL4ugh CTF 2023
Hello, It’s xElessaway, first it was my pleasure to create the Forensics, Steganography challenges in 0xL4ugh CTF 2023. Second Challenges were made for players to learn something new in CTF but my first aim was to the players who want to start playing CTFs so I thought these challenges would be significant for their start. so enough talks and here is the write-up for my challenges. I hope you enjoy it.
+ — — — — — — — — + — — — — — — — -+ — — — — +
| Challenge ===| Category | Points |
+ — — — — — — — — + — — — — — — — -+ — — — — +
| Bloody|_ Steganography _| 25 |
| Weirdoooo|_ Steganography _| 25 |
| Uraa |_ Steganography _| 50 |
| Zar |_ Steganography _| 50 |
| Colorful |_ Steganography _| 100 |
| Deep | Forensics | 200 |
| PVE | Forensics | 200 |
+ — — — — — — — — + — — — — — — — -+ — — — — +
Okay, Let’s start with Bloody and see how we will go.
Description: just line ? but it contain a lot of infoooooooos
in the challenge, we got a “png” file. so it’s one image hmmm let’s try some tools on it like
Strings - exiftool - zsteg- etc
so let’s try to see if there are any hidden data in it using “binwalk”.
binwalk filename
BRUH… There is nothing. but why this “PNG” contains just one line ??? what about extracting pixels values? let’s write down a script for it
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
import random
img ='Chall.png')
pix = img.load()
w, h = img.size
flag = ''
for i in range(w):
for c in range(h):
r,g,b,a = img.getpixel((i,c))
if r == 255 and g == 255 and b == 255:
Okay if we removed the white spaces we find some interesting pixels of the line. but if we notice that only red changes oohhhh now I understand why the challenge is called Bloody -> Red. so let’s try to decode only the red channel
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
import random
img ='Chall.png')
pix = img.load()
w, h = img.size
flag = ''
for i in range(w):
for c in range(h):
r,g,b,a = img.getpixel((i,c))
if r == 255 and g == 255 and b == 255:
if flag.endswith("}"):
flag += chr(r)
FLAG: 0xL4ugh{R_G_B_FOR_TH3_W1N}
+ — — — — — — — — + — — — — — — — -+ — — — — +
| Challenge ===| Category | Points |
+ — — — — — — — — + — — — — — — — -+ — — — — +
| Bloody_ ✔️_|_ Steganography _| 25 |
| Weirdoooo |_ Steganography _| 25 |
| Uraa |_ Steganography _| 50 |
| Zar |_ Steganography _| 50 |
| Colorful |_ Steganography _| 100 |
| Deep | Forensics | 200 |
| PVE | Forensics | 200 |
+ — — — — — — — — + — — — — — — — -+ — — — — +_
Now let’s move to the second challenge “Weirdooo” and see what you need from me this time :)))
Description: Too many numbers but i guess you know what you should do.
We got a “ZIP” File containing a text file good xElessaway didn’t give me an image but this time gave something I can rea.. man ??? wtf is dis AHHH now what is this let me zoom out so if I can see anything suspicious Okay my eyes hurt now but luckily I got something HAHA
The Flag is “0xL4ugh{BJHGUIFJGUIJF}
Yes here is my flag boiz. but submission said so I had to go again and see what is this??? so let’s zoom in on this part I found useful ohohoh it’s 255 and some numbers beside zeros so it might be pixel values so let’s make a script to put every pixel in his place but wait a minute!! where are the dimensions? Okay I’m a genius now so let’s check how many rows and columns Columns But let’s think there are spaces between each value so 2048/2 = 1024 so our dimensions are “1024 x 1024” now let’s write down our cute script ❤
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image as im
import cv2
with open('weirdoooo.txt', 'r') as f:
data ='\\n')
data2 = \[\]
\# create empty img 1024\*1024
img = np.zeros((1024,1024))
for i in range(len(data)):
data2.append(data\[i\].split(' '))
for i in range(len(data2)):
for j in range(len(data2\[i\])):
if data2\[i\]\[j\] == '':
out = im.fromarray(out)
flag = cv2.imread('flag.png')
and yes this works now :”DDD
FLAG: 0xL4ugh{N07_JU$T_NUM63R5}
* + — — — — — — — — + — — — — — — — -+ — — — — +
| Challenge ===| Category | Points |
+ — — — — — — — — + — — — — — — — -+ — — — — +
| Bloody_ ✔️_|_ Steganography _| 25 |
| Weirdoooo_ ✔️_|_ Steganography _| 25 |
| Uraa |_ Steganography _| 50 |
| Zar |_ Steganography _| 50 |
| Colorful |_ Steganography _| 100 |
| Deep | Forensics | 200 |
| PVE | Forensics | 200 |
+ — — — — — — — — + — — — — — — — -+ — — — — +_
Weee let’s jump into the 3rd challenge my friend “URAA”
Description: I love Urahara. he keeps hiding the secrets.
We got a “ZIP” File containing a “JPG” image so let’s try our tools
Strings - binwalk - exiftool - etc
but nothing is useful so if we notice in the description it said hiding the secrets. so let’s try to brute-force the image I’m lucky I know tools like “stegseek” so let’s try and see our luck :”D
stegseek image.jpg wordlist
I’ll use my favorite wordlist “ rockyou.txt “ BRUH ?? that was easy lol.
FLAG: 0xL4ugh{W4RM_UP_STE94N0_G0OD_J0B}
* + — — — — — — — — + — — — — — — — -+ — — — — +
| Challenge ===| Category | Points |
+ — — — — — — — — + — — — — — — — -+ — — — — +
| Bloody_ ✔️_|_ Steganography _| 25 |
| Weirdoooo_ ✔️_|_ Steganography _| 25 |
| Uraa_ ✔️_|_ Steganography _| 50 |
| Zar |_ Steganography _| 50 |
| Colorful |_ Steganography _| 100 |
| Deep | Forensics | 200 |
| PVE | Forensics | 200 |
+ — — — — — — — — + — — — — — — — -+ — — — — +_
Now we are moving to the 4th challenge “Zar” let’s see what we get
Description: Fast as zaraki boi. try to find him.
We got a “ZIP” File containing a “JPG” image so let’s try our tools
binwalk - exiftool - stegseek etc
this time stegseek is not working so it’s somewhere else. hmmm what about strings ???
in the description said to try to find him maybe he meant that spaces? so let’s check the hex editor or “xxd”
Okay now, this is interesting. but what is this? maybe morse? but no it’s not so let’s google if we can encode it into spaces and dots.
AAA. and I found something called “WHITESPACES LANGUAGE” so Let’s try it.
and yup we got the flag :””DDDD
FLAG: 0xL4ugh{F4S5_45_Z4R4K1_B0I}
* + — — — — — — — — + — — — — — — — -+ — — — — +
| Challenge ===| Category | Points |
+ — — — — — — — — + — — — — — — — -+ — — — — +
| Bloody_ ✔️_|_ Steganography _| 25 |
| Weirdoooo_ ✔️_|_ Steganography _| 25 |
| Uraa_ ✔️_|_ Steganography _| 50 |
| Zar_ ✔️_|_ Steganography _| 50 |
| Colorful |_ Steganography _| 100 |
| Deep | Forensics | 200 |
| PVE | Forensics | 200 |
+ — — — — — — — — + — — — — — — — -+ — — — — +_
Now we are moving to the 5th challenge “Colorful” let’s see what we get
Description: This is really colorful but what does that mean ?
Flag Format: 0xL4ugh{word1_word2}
We got a “ZIP” File containing a “PNG” image that’s a lot of colors Mr.xElessaway but I’ll do my super ultra genius way to solve this challenge no no, I meant to put the whole image in google image but nothing useful so I’ll ask google directly. lol first search I’ll open it and see what it contains well well well we reach our way to the solution. so the flag is
FLAG: 0xL4ugh{TH1S_15_H3X4HU3_C0D3}
* + — — — — — — — — + — — — — — — — -+ — — — — +
| Challenge ===| Category | Points |
+ — — — — — — — — + — — — — — — — -+ — — — — +
| Bloody_ ✔️_|_ Steganography _| 25 |
| Weirdoooo_ ✔️_|_ Steganography _| 25 |
| Uraa_ ✔️_|_ Steganography _| 50 |
| Zar_ ✔️_|_ Steganography _| 50 |
| Colorful_ ✔️_|_ Steganography _| 100 |
| Deep | Forensics | 200 |
| PVE | Forensics | 200 |
+ — — — — — — — — + — — — — — — — -+ — — — — +_
Now Steganography is over. let’s move to the Forensics boiz and start with “DEEP”.
Description: One of the companies called you to investigate a suspicious
computer system. You need to use your skills to find out what
happened.they tried to get you a part of the partition so can
you find out the secret behind that attack?
in this challenge seems we got a part of the C drive partition. So we need to think first about what we should look for maybe a registry? but we are looking in the registry I can’t go random and check there. so what about checking the event viewer if anything is executed? time to google where are the windows event located. and after some googling I found out that it saved into
so let’s visit this directory and see if something interested cool, we found all the event viewers. but BRUH that’s a lot of files xD so let’s put it on the right side so we can back later cause this is scary and I don’t want to feel bad I can solve it. so let’s think about what the attacker might use. Hmm maybe Powershell? but how? cool another piece of evidence we can check now.
let’s go and check. cool. we find the history of the PowerShell so let’s check what it contain. starts with heeey so I guess we are on the right path. and I noticed something hidden a simple xor operator with a string so let’s try to reverse the string. weee, now we got the flag
FLAG: 0xL4ugh{Y0u_AR3_G0OD_1NV3571G70R}
* + — — — — — — — — + — — — — — — — -+ — — — — +
| Challenge ===| Category | Points |
+ — — — — — — — — + — — — — — — — -+ — — — — +
| Bloody_ ✔️_|_ Steganography _| Medium |
| Weirdoooo_ ✔️_|_ Steganography _| Medium |
| Uraa_ ✔️_|_ Steganography _| Easy |
| Zar_ ✔️_|_ Steganography _| Easy |
| Colorful_ ✔️_|_ Steganography _| Medium |
| Deep_ ✔️_| Forensics | Medium |
| PVE | Forensics | Hard |
+ — — — — — — — — + — — — — — — — -+ — — — — +_
Now we are moving to the 2nd challenge “PVE” let’s see what we get
Description: An attacker attacked our server. we got a dump so can you
investigate it for us?
in this challenge, we got a “VMEM” file so we need to use volatility to go through this challenge first, we need to know what is the profile of the image for the Q1 so let’s run image info on it
python2 -f PVE.vmem imageinfo
after a long time you will notice that no profile suggestion
note: you won’t see this part (“Instantiated with LinuxUbuntu_4_4_0–186-generic_profilex64”) because I already got the profile.
so first let’s think how can we get the operating system or kernel version hmmm let’s do “grep” with “strings”
strings PVE.vmem | grep -i "Linux version"
as we all can see we got the first Question “PVE 1”
Q1: What is the operating system and kernal version of the dump
Flag format: 0xL4ugh{OsName_theFullKernalVersion}
so the first flag would be
Q1 Flag: 0xL4ugh{Ubuntu_4.4.0-186-generic}
now we need to get the profile of this memory so after I googled I found this useful article that helped me so much to build a profile to volatility. article: so after following it I got the profile and installed it in
so now let’s check if it works for us or not by running info
python2 --info
well as you can see the profile works now so let’s use it and check for the next questions.
python2 -f PVE.vmem \--profile=LinuxUbuntu_4_4_0-186-generic_profilex64 linux_psscan
yup, it works. so the 2nd question “PVE 2” says
Q2: What is the version of the apache server?
so let’s see the history if he installed it or something
python2 -f PVE.vmem \--profile=LinuxUbuntu_4_4_0-186-generic_profilex64 linux_bash
well well well seems interesting for us there is a flag here 2. seems we hit 2 birds with one rock :”
so Q2 answer is
Q2 Flag: 0xL4ugh{2.2.14}
let’s move to Question 3 which is “PVE 3”
Q3: We think that there was a suspicious process can you look what is it and reterive the flag ?
so we need to go back and check the process if there is any thing suspicious.
python2 -f PVE.vmem \--profile=LinuxUbuntu_4_4_0-186-generic_profilex64 linux_psscan
This is a suspicious process we are lucky the hacker is stupid he didn’t hide it. so let’s dump this process and retrieve the flag.
python2 -f PVE.vmem \--profile=LinuxUbuntu_4_4_0-186-generic_profilex64 linux_procdump -p 5808 -D output
now we got the dumped process we can just string it and see what we get. well its almost clear to us so the answer is
Q3 Flag: 0xL4ugh{H1DD3N_1N_PR0CE$$}
let’s move to the 4th question “PVE 4” Q4: There is something hidden in somewhere but can you find where ? I guess we already got that flag from the bash so let’s try it and yup it will work
Q4 Flag: 0xL4ugh{S4D_Y0U_G07_M3}
now let’s move into the 5th question “PVE 5”
Q5: The attack got the password of the user but can you?
hmmmmm let’s ask google well its “etc/shadow” so let’s dump both shadow and passwd.
python2 -f PVE.vmem --profile=LinuxUbuntu_4_4_0-186-generic_profilex64 linux_find_file -F /etc/shadow
python2 -f PVE.vmem --profile=LinuxUbuntu_4_4_0-186-generic_profilex64 linux_find_file -F /etc/passwd
good, we find them and now we have the offsets “0xffff88001817bbf8” and “0xffff88001e144468”. so let’s dump now NOTE: you need to create an empty file with the same name first Now let’s continue dumping the files
python2 -f PVE.vmem --profile=LinuxUbuntu_4_4_0-186-generic_profilex64 linux_find_file -i 0xffff88001817bbf8 -O output/shadow
python2 -f PVE.vmem --profile=LinuxUbuntu_4_4_0-186-generic_profilex64 linux_find_file -i 0xffff88001e144468 -O output/passwd
cool works for now so let’s unshadow the files
unshadow passwd shadow > hash
after getting the unshadow file let’s run john the ripper to crack the password.
john --wordlist='/mnt/d/rockyou.txt' hash
after a long long long long long long time oh finally we got the password now the flag is
Q5 Flag: 0xL4ugh{08041632890804163289}
* + — — — — — — — — + — — — — — — — -+ — — — — +
| Challenge ===| Category | Points |
+ — — — — — — — — + — — — — — — — -+ — — — — +
| Bloody_ ✔️_|_ Steganography _| Medium |
| Weirdoooo_ ✔️_|_ Steganography _| Medium |
| Uraa_ ✔️_|_ Steganography _| Easy |
| Zar_ ✔️_|_ Steganography _| Easy |
| Colorful_ ✔️_|_ Steganography _| Medium |
| Deep_ ✔️_| Forensics | Medium |
| PVE_ ✔️ _| Forensics | Hard |
+ — — — — — — — — + — — — — — — — -+ — — — — +_
For now, we are done and I hope you really enjoyed my challenges guys and hope to see you soon in other writeups ^_^ ❤. good luck.
By Ahmed Elessaway on February 18, 2023.