

- 5 min read

H@cktivityCon 2021 CTF - Digital Forensics Writeups

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H@cktivityCon 2021 CTF - Digital Forensics Writeups

Hello, It’s xElessaway, and this is my writeups for some challenges I’ve solved in H@cktivityCon CTF 2021.

| CHALLENGE           | CATEGORY          | DIFFCULTY |
| Excellent           | Digital Forensics | Medium    |
| Bacon in a Haystack | Digital Forensics | Medium    |
| UHAHA               | Misc              | Medium    |


  • Challenge Name


  • Category

    Digital Forensics

  • Description

    My computer crashed and I lost everything I was doing for work…

  • Tools

    it will only need a one tool from this list

1- Volatility
2- Linux Commands
3- LibreOffice
  • Steps

In the challenge I provided a .bin file. So I tried to open it on Autopsy and FTK Imager but not working so I started to use Volatility on it.

First, I started to check the image info by using

python3 vol.py -f image.bin windows.info
	-f to select the image

Note: I used Volatility3 not Volatility2 if you will use Volatility2 you can use this command to get the profile of the image.

python vol.py -f image.bin imageinfo


So It’s working on volatility now it’s time to go psscan to check the process.


python3 vol.py -f image.bin windows.info


python vol.py -f image.bin --profile=the_profile_you_got psscan


Okay I got so many process in the scan so I went through process to check if there is any suspicious process or something can crash the pc. But I didn’t see something interesting except LibreOffice So I went to check the cmd if he used it.


python3 vol.py -f image.bin windows.cmd


python vol.py -f image.bin --profile=the_profile_you_got cmdscan


Okayy this is interesting I’ve found (“C:\Users\congon4tor\Desktop\flag.ods”) so Time to do file scan and get this file.


python3 vol.py -f image.bin windows.filescan | grep flag.ods


python vol.py -f image.bin --profile=the_profile_you_got filescan | grep flag.ods


and I got the offset of the file. So let’s dump it and open it on LibreOffice.


python3 vol.py -f image.bin windows.dumpfiles --virtaddr 0xaa873a6567c0
	--virtaddr To select the specific offset of the file.


python vol.py -f image.bin --profile=the_profile_you_got dumpfiles -Q 0xaa873a6567c0 -D output
	-Q To select the specific offset of the file.
	-D to choose the folder that I want to dump to.

So After Dumping the file and open it on LibreOffice I got the flag.


Flag is : flag{4b02ee4e7b62139152e8d0d4373a7c3d}

| CHALLENGE           | CATEGORY          | DIFFCULTY |
| Excellent✔️        | Digital Forensics | Medium    |
| Bacon in a Haystack | Digital Forensics | Medium    |
| UHAHA               | Misc              | Medium    |

Bacon in a Haystack

  • Challenge Name

    Bacon in a Haystack

  • Category

    Digital Forensics

  • Description

    I dropped my bacon in a haystack. :-/ Any ideas how we can find it?

  • Tools

    it will only need a one tool from this list

1- Linux Commands
  • Steps

In the challenge I provided a .zip file that contains many many logs.Bacon_1

I started to go through files and I notice that there are http and ssl logs.Bacon_3

So I split logs and put these logs into folder. So it’s more easy to search on it


I googled on how to grep all sites on fiiles and I got this command

grep -Po '([a-z]+\.)+[a-z]+(/\w+)*' file_name
so I greped on all the logs using this
grep -Po '([a-z]+\.)+[a-z]+(/\w+)*' *

I notice that there are Github so I tried to grep it and uniq it to be more clear to see

grep -Po '([a-z]+\.)+[a-z]+(/\w+)*' * | sort | grep github | uniq


and yes I got a github page Sketchysite I opened it and I got the flag :D


Flag is : flag{8626fe7dcd8d412a80d0b3f0e36afd4a}

| CHALLENGE             | CATEGORY          | DIFFCULTY |
| Excellent✔️           | Digital Forensics | Medium    |
| Bacon in a Haystack✔️ | Digital Forensics | Medium    |
| UHAHA                  | Misc              | Medium    |


  • Challenge Name


  • Category


  • Description

    I dropped my bacon in a haystack. :-/ Any ideas how we can find it?

  • Tools

    it will only need a one tool from this list

1- Google
2- Scripting
  • Steps

In the challenge I provided a non extension file. So I used file command on it to check the file type.


I got UHarc Archive data so I don’t know what is this so it’s time to visit my best friend Google to ask him about this type of data. and as usual I got the answer.


I know now that UHARC files has extension ( .UHA ) so I put the extension. but I don’t know how to open this type of files I tried 7z and winrar but nothing so I went again to my best friend Google to ask him about how to extract file from UHARC files. and I got this tool (UHARC)

so let’s check the syntax we need to extract the file with this tool.


so the syntax must be like this:

./UHARC.EXE e -pw[PasswordHere] FileName

after this I tried to it works but I don’t have the password so back to the description he told me that I just need the top hundred passwords in rockyou.txtwordlist so I won’t try passwords manually of course. So it’s time to write small script to try all passwords.

import os
import sys
passwords = ["123456","12345","123456789","password","iloveyou","princess","1234567","rockyou",...] #I don't know why I put passwords in list not just read them from file xDD

for b in  range(1,100,1):
	for i in passwords:
		os.system("C:/Users/ahmed/Desktop/Twitch/z/UHARC.EXE e -pw"+i+" uhaha.uha")

after trying this it works. but I got another file so I have to put the extension again.

what we need to do

				Put Extension .uha > run the command to test all passwords > if we extract > remove old file > rename the extracted file with the extnsion

so let’s do this.

import os
import sys

passwords = ["123456","12345","123456789","password","iloveyou","princess","1234567","rockyou",...] #I don't know why I put passwords in list not just read them from file xDD

for b in  range(1,100,1):
	for i in passwords:
		os.system("C:/Users/ahmed/Desktop/Twitch/z/UHARC.EXE e -pw"+i+" uhaha.uha")

	os.rename("uhaha" ,"uhaha.uha")


and yes finally we got the flag.


Flag is : flag{ec8753d9932766b1724618b5ad12de13}

| CHALLENGE              | CATEGORY          | DIFFCULTY |
| Excellent✔️           | Digital Forensics | Medium    |
| Bacon in a Haystack✔️ | Digital Forensics | Medium    |
| UHAHA✔️               | Misc              | Medium    |

and special thanks for mmox <3